Sunday, 8 March 2015

hard to understand

There have something inside me that I always have feeling that to kesian kan other people.
I cannot see other people suffer in their life.
When I hear their story make me always grateful in everything that allah give to me.
Love you ibu and ayah
But some of friend are not really understand me and say that I was keep on going talk about that person and it sound in my life I will never imagine going to meet that kind of person
and I was surprise about the person life style.
To be honest since I start doing my diploma I already meet a lot of people
in my life with different attitude. It just different way how I handle the situation.
In my mind I just want the person be a real person in a real life
and do not waste time doing something useless thing.
I wish I can explain to my friend what I really want to do to that person but I cannot do it
arghh I feel bad to argue with her about that person and I start to stop talk about
that person and just say hi, bye and smile if I meet that person
what to do I do not like other people say that I was busybody type of person
btw I missing my best friend who are really understand me so well
kesian to me
keep be different person with new people
missing the old me
love all my bestfriend

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Move on

sometimes it takes a very big mistake
 we make in our life to transform into
 the best of people
-Mufti Ismail Menk